Cyndi Lauper – Iko Iko

My grand-ma and your grand-ma were
Sit-tin’ by the fire – My grand-ma told
Your grand-ma: «I’m gon-na set your flag on fire»–

Talk-in’ ‘bout, Hey now ! Hey now ! I-KO, I-KO, un-day
Jock-a-mo fee-no ai na-ne – Jock-a-mo fee na-ne-

Look at my king all dressed in red-
I-KO, I-KO, un-day I bet-cha five dol-lars he’ll kill you dead–
Jock-a-mo fee na-ne

(Repeat Chorus)

My flag boy and your flag boy were
sit-tin’ by the fire – My flag boy told
Your flag boy: «I’m gon-na set your flag on fire»

(Repeat Chorus)

See that guy all dressed in green ? –
I-KO, I-KO, un-day He’s not a man;
He’s a lov-in’ ma-chine–
Jock-a mo fee na-ne–

(Repeat Chorus)





Video Karaoke


(Letra vista 25 veces, 1 veces hoy)