Futbol Samba Men – Football Samba Live from Bank- Corner
Author: Anonimous
Vocalist: Various Alcoholic Guys
Live in concert in Bank-Corner
Especial Cameo with el
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
-Please, rule the Mini-
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
Football Samba, EH-O-EH,
-Please, rule the Mini-
O-EH, Football Samba,ALE (or something similar)
O-EH, Football Samba,OE (or something similar)
-Please, rule the Mini-
O-EH, Football Samba,ALE (or something similar)
where are Chusgarci and VPUM? french?s farewell!!!
O-EH, Football Samba,OE (or something similar)
O-EH, Football Samba,OE (or something similar)
-‘–‘>Lyrics Songs
Video Karaoke
(Letra vista 33 veces, 1 veces hoy)