Genesis – Scenes from a Night´s Dream

Little nemo rubbed his eyes and got out of bed,
Trying hard to piece together a broken dream
His visions lifelike and full of imagination
It´s strange to think they came from such a tiny head

Dragons breathing fire, but friendly
Mushrooms tall as houses
Giant nymphs and goblins playing,
Scenes from a night´s dream, poor little nemo!

Eating all kinds of food so close to bedtime
They always made him have these nightmares, it seemed

Helped young washington in the garden,
Cut the cherry tree down
Now we all know that´s not history,
Scenes from a night´s dream, poor little nemo!

Nemo, get out of bed!
Don´t tell me stories, I don´t want to know!
Come on you sleepy head, we´re waiting to go!

Once he went to the ?carnival of nations?
Dancing with the princess through the night

Found themselves on a moving platform
Ten ton weights above them,
Seeking audience with king morpheus
Scenes from a night´s dream, poor little nemo!

Nemo, get out of bed!
Don´t tell me stories, I don´t want to know!
Come on you sleepy head, we´re waiting to go!





Video Karaoke


(Letra vista 44 veces, 1 veces hoy)