Sinead O’connor – No Man’s Woman

I don´t wanna be no man?s woman
It don´t make me happy this mantrolling
thing that you got for me so I become
no man?s woman

I don´t wanna be no man?s woman
I´ve other work I want to get done
I haven´t travelled this far to become
no man?s woman
no man?s woman

Cuz I´m tired of it
and I´m so scared of it
that I´ll never trust again
cuz a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
miserable in so much pain

My friends think I´m alone but I´ve got secrets
I don´t tell everything about the love I get
I got a lovin? man but he´s a spirit

He never does me harm never treats me bad
He?d never takes away all the love he has
and I´m forgiven oh a million times

I´m never tired of it
and I´m not scared of it
cuz it doesn?t cause me pain
Like a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
never be yourself again

I never wanna be no man?s woman
I only wanna be my own woman
I haven´t travelled this far to become
no man?s woman
no man?s woman
no man?s woman

-‘–‘>Lyrics Songs





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(Letra vista 23 veces, 1 veces hoy)