Pelicula – Stockard channing – look at me, I´m sandra dee
Look at me, I´m Sandra Dee, lousy with virginity
Won´t´ go to bed till I´m legally wed, I can´t, I´m Sandra Dee
Watch it, hey, I´m Doris Day, I was not brought up that way
Won´t´ come across, even Rock
Hudson lost his heart to Doris Day
I don´t drink or swear, I won´t rat my hair,
I get ill from one cigarette
Keep your filthy paws off my silky drawers
Would you pull that crap with Annette?
As for you, Troy Donahue, I know what you wanna do
You got your crust, I´m no object of lust,
I´m just plain Sandra Dee Elvis,
Elvis, let me be, keep that pelvis far from me
Just keep your cool, now you´re starting to drool
Hey, fungu, I´m Sandra Dee
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