Pink Floyd – The Gnome

I want to tell you a story
About a little man
If I can
A gnome named grimble grumble
And little gnomes stay in their homes
Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine
He wore a scarlet tunic,
A blue green hood,
It looked quite good
He had a big adventure
Amidst the grass
Fresh air at last
Wining, dining, biding his time
And then one day – hooray!
Another way for gnomes to say
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn´t it good?
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn´t it good?
Winding, finding places to go
And then one day – hooray!
Another way for gnomes to say





Video Karaoke


(Letra vista 29 veces, 1 veces hoy)