Placebo – I´ll be yours

I´ll be your water bathing you clean
The liquid piece
I´ll be your ether you´ll breathe me in
You won´t release
Well I´ve seen you suffer, I´ve seen you cry the whole night through
So I´ll be your water bathing you clean
Liquid blue

I´ll be your father, I´ll be your mother,
I´ll be your lover, I´ll be yours [x2]

I´ll be your liqour bathing your soul
Juice that´s pure
And I´ll be your anchor you´ll never leave
Shores that cure
Well I´ve seen you suffer, I´ve seen you cry for days and days
So I´ll be your liqour demons will drown
And float away

I´ll be your father, I´ll be your mother,
I´ll be your lover, I´ll be yours [x3]

-‘–1&q=Placebo&sa=Buscar’ – Placebo-

-‘-‘>Lyrics Songs





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(Letra vista 24 veces, 1 veces hoy)