Ok Go – A million ways

Sit back, matter of fact, teasing, toying, turning, chatting, charming, hissing, playing the crowd
Play that song again, another couple Klonopin, a nod, a glance, a half-hearted bow
Oh such grace, oh such beauty, and lipstick and callous and fishnets and malice
Oh Darling, you´re a million ways to be cruel
I should, I wish I could, maybe if you were, I would, a list of standard-issue regrets
One last 8- proof, slouching in the corner booth
Baby, it´s as good as it gets
Oh such grace, oh such beauty So precious, suspicious, and charming, and vicious
Oh darling, you´re a million ways to be cruel

-‘–‘>Lyrics Songs





Video Karaoke


(Letra vista 11 veces, 1 veces hoy)