John Lennon – Meat city

Well I been Meat City to see for myself
Been Meat City been Meat City
Just got to give me some rock ?n roll

People were dancing like there´s no tomorrow
Fingerlickin chickinpickin Meat City
Shookdown USA Pig Meat City

Well I been the mountain to see for myself
Been the mountain been the mountain
Got to give me some rock ?n roll

Snake doctors shaking like there´s no tomorrow
Chickkinsuckin mothertruckin Freak City shookdown USA

Well I´m gonna China to see for myself
Gonna China gonna China
Just got to give me some rock ?n roll

Well the people were jumping like there´s no tomorrow
Chickinsuckin mothertruckin Meat City shookdown USA

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(Letra vista 38 veces, 1 veces hoy)